Methodology is a set of methods and techniques that will be used to achieve the intended results of the research activity. It is customary to divide the methods used * into two categories:
- special;
- General scientific: theoretical and experiments.
The most popular among scientists are theoretical methods such as: deduction and induction. The deductive method involves the isolation of a particular conclusion from the collected information resources. Induction, on the contrary, will allow to advance from the private, separate to the general representation of the object of research. The formalization method makes it possible to achieve the necessary, sometimes visual picture in the form of graphic elements.
Special methods are therefore called so, are characteristic of certain scientific fields. So in philology, the comparative-historical method is used, lawyers - modeling.
To choose a method, it is worth referring to the specialized literature, on the basis of which you can choose the most effective way to solve the problems. This is one of the key points in the work on the dissertation, because it will probably have to be mentioned at the defense.
The aim and objectives of the dissertation
Scientific activity presupposes a constant solution of certain tasks. And before you start working on your dissertation, there is a goal and objectives that should be clearly understood and be able to formulate properly. This allows, not to deviate from the intended course and significantly reduces the time spent on the experimental part. In order to set the goal and objectives as effectively as possible it is necessary to adhere to several rules:
- the goal can be only one and be reflected in the title of the thesis;
- the theme in conjunction with the goal unite the problem and the outcome of the work;
- there is no regulation on the tasks, but still one of them should reflect the problematic with the support of already published materials;
- another of the objectives poses a question related to the problem posed;
- the last task reflects the need for practical work.
- As it is not difficult to guess, the number of tasks is equal to the number of chapters in a scientific work. If there are more tasks, it is worth distributing them evenly throughout the text.